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Duke's art as a means of power and control

"My Last Duchess"

Robert Browning

 My Last Duchess by Robert Browning is a dramatic monologue in which the Duke speaks about his deceased wife, revealing his thoughts and feelings. The poem provides insights into the Duke's character and his attitudes toward power and control, particularly through his use of art.

A Student's Reflections: Reflection: Lines 1-21 of My Last Duchess


1.Ownership of the Portrait

The Duke possesses a portrait of his late wife, which becomes a symbol of his dominance and control. He describes the painting as "Fra Pandolf's hands / Worked busily a day" and later mentions that "none puts by / The curtain I have drawn for you, but I." The fact that he alone decides who sees the portrait and when underscores his desire for control. The painting becomes a tool through which he can regulate access to his wife's image, reinforcing his authority over her memory.

2. Freezing a Moment in Time

Art has the power to freeze a moment in time, and the Duke exploits this aspect to his advantage. He states, "There she stands / As if alive," suggesting that the portrait captures the duchess in perpetuity, allowing him to maintain control over her image without any change or defiance. The frozen image of the duchess becomes a means for the Duke to manipulate and shape the narrative surrounding her life.

3. Silencing the Duchess

The Duke reveals that the duchess was too easily pleased and did not discriminate between the Duke's gift of a "nine-hundred-years-old name" and a "bough of cherries some officious fool / Broke in the orchard for her." The Duke's dissatisfaction with his wife's lack of discernment prompts him to silence her by having her portrait painted. The painting becomes a way for him to control her actions and choices even after her death.

4. Art as a Veil for Jealousy

The Duke's jealousy is a central theme, and the portrait serves as a cover for his possessive nature. Instead of openly admitting his insecurities and controlling tendencies, he hides behind the art, using it as a medium to express and enforce his dominance. The painting becomes a facade, concealing the darker aspects of the Duke's personality.

In conclusion, the Duke in "My Last Duchess" utilizes art as a means of power and control by owning and controlling access to the portrait of his late wife. The frozen image of the duchess serves as a tool for the Duke to regulate perceptions, silence the duchess, and project an illusion of control over her even in death. Browning's exploration of the relationship between art and power in the poem highlights the complex interplay between aesthetics and control in the context of the Duke's character.

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