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How to use Google Classroom

How to use Google Classroom

Using Google Classroom is relatively straightforward, and it's designed to be user-friendly for both teachers and students.


Here's a step-by-step guide on how to use Google Classroom:


For Teachers:


  1. Sign In: Go to Google Classroom (classroom.google.com) and sign in with your Google account. You need a Google account to use Google Classroom.

  2. Create a Class:

    • Click the "+" sign in the upper right corner and select "Create class."
    • Follow the prompts to set up your class, providing a class name, section, and subject. You can add a class description and adjust settings as needed.
  3. Invite Students:

    • Once your class is created, you'll see a class code. Share this code with your students, or you can invite them directly using their email addresses. Students can join your class by entering the code.
  4. Create Assignments and Materials:

    • In the class stream, you can create assignments, announcements, and questions. Click on the "+ Create" button, select the type of content, and follow the prompts to add details and attachments. You can attach documents from Google Drive, links, or files from your computer.
  5. Grade Assignments:

    • When students submit their assignments, you can view and grade them within Google Classroom. Provide feedback and grades directly through the platform.
  6. Classroom Stream:

    • The stream is where you and your students can see announcements and updates. It's the main communication hub for your class.
  7. Google Drive Integration:

    • Google Classroom is tightly integrated with Google Drive. You can organize and share course materials through your Google Drive.
  8. Manage Your Class:

    • Use the Classwork page to organize assignments and materials by topics and due dates. You can also schedule posts and set classwork instructions.


For Students:


  1. Join a Class:

    • Open Google Classroom and sign in with your Google account.
    • Click the "+" sign and select "Join class."
    • Enter the class code provided by your teacher and click "Join."
  2. Access Coursework:

    • Once you've joined a class, you can access assignments, announcements, and course materials from the class stream and Classwork page.
  3. Submit Assignments:

    • To submit assignments, click on the assignment, and follow the instructions provided by your teacher. You can attach files, links, or complete assignments using Google Docs.
  4. View Grades and Feedback:

    • Your teacher may provide grades and feedback within Google Classroom. You can access this information from your student dashboard.
  5. Participate in Class Discussions:

    • Use the class stream to engage in discussions, ask questions, and interact with your teacher and fellow students.


Google Classroom is continually updated and improved, so the interface and features may evolve over time. It's recommended to explore the platform and its features based on your specific needs and the guidance of your teacher if you're a student. Teachers can also take advantage of resources and guides provided by Google to enhance their use of Google Classroom.


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