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What is variable in PHP?

Variable in PHP

In PHP, a variable is a placeholder for storing data values. It is a fundamental concept in programming that allows you to store and manipulate information within your scripts. Variables are used to hold various types of data, such as numbers, strings, arrays, or objects.


Here are some key points about variables in PHP:


  1. Variable Naming Rules:

    • Variable names in PHP must start with a dollar sign ($), followed by a letter or underscore, and then can include letters, numbers, or underscores. They are case-sensitive.
  2. Variable Assignment:

    • You assign a value to a variable using the assignment operator (=).
  3. Variable Types:

    • PHP is a loosely typed language, meaning you don't need to explicitly declare the data type of a variable. The data type is determined dynamically based on the assigned value.
    $name = "John";   // String
    $age = 25;        // Integer
    $price = 19.99;   // Float
    $isStudent = true;// Boolean
  4. Variable Scope:

    • Variables in PHP have different scopes, which determine where the variable can be accessed.
      • Local Scope: Variables defined inside a function are local to that function.
      • Global Scope: Variables defined outside of any function or block are global and can be accessed from anywhere in the script.
    $globalVariable = "I'm global";
    function myFunction() {
        $localVariable = "I'm local";
        echo $globalVariable; // Accessing a global variable
    echo $localVariable; // This will cause an error; $localVariable is not accessible outside the function.
  5. Variable Concatenation:

    • You can concatenate (combine) variables and strings using the dot (.) operator.
    $firstName = "John";
    $lastName = "Doe";
    $fullName = $firstName . " " . $lastName;


Variables are a fundamental concept in programming, allowing you to work with and manipulate data in your scripts. They play a crucial role in dynamic and interactive web development, enabling you to store and manage information as your program executes.


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