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How Does Strategic Management Work?

How Does Strategic Management Work

Strategic management is a comprehensive and iterative process that involves several interconnected steps. Here's an overview of how strategic management works:


  1. Analysis of the External Environment:

    • Strategic management begins with an analysis of the external environment in which the organization operates. This involves assessing factors such as industry trends, market dynamics, competitor actions, technological advancements, regulatory changes, and economic conditions. Tools like PESTEL analysis (Political, Economic, Social, Technological, Environmental, and Legal) and Porter's Five Forces framework are commonly used to understand the external landscape.
  2. Assessment of Internal Capabilities:

    • Alongside analyzing the external environment, strategic management involves an assessment of the organization's internal strengths and weaknesses. This includes evaluating its resources, competencies, culture, structure, processes, and performance. SWOT analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats) is a popular tool for this purpose.
  3. Setting Objectives and Goals:

    • Based on the insights gained from the environmental and internal analyses, the organization sets clear objectives and goals. These objectives should be specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART). They should align with the organization's mission, vision, and values.
  4. Strategy Formulation:

    • Strategy formulation involves developing a comprehensive plan to achieve the established objectives and goals. This may involve identifying alternative strategic options, evaluating their feasibility, and selecting the most appropriate strategies. Common strategic approaches include differentiation, cost leadership, focus/niche strategies, and diversification.
  5. Strategy Implementation:

    • Once the strategies are formulated, they need to be translated into action through strategy implementation. This involves allocating resources, defining roles and responsibilities, establishing performance targets, and designing operational plans. Effective communication and coordination are crucial during this stage to ensure alignment across the organization.
  6. Monitoring and Control:

    • Strategic management is an ongoing process that requires continuous monitoring and control. Organizations track key performance indicators (KPIs) to assess progress towards objectives and goals. Any deviations from the planned course of action are identified, and corrective measures are taken as needed. This may involve adjusting strategies, reallocating resources, or revising plans.
  7. Evaluation and Learning:

    • Periodic evaluation of the strategic management process is essential to assess its effectiveness and identify areas for improvement. Lessons learned from both successes and failures are incorporated into future strategic decision-making, enabling the organization to adapt and evolve over time.
  8. Adaptation to Change:

    • Strategic management involves being responsive to changes in the external environment and making necessary adjustments to strategies and plans. This may include responding to shifts in market demand, emerging technologies, regulatory requirements, or competitive threats. Flexibility and agility are key to maintaining relevance and competitiveness.


By following these steps in a systematic and iterative manner, organizations can effectively navigate the complexities of their operating environments, achieve their objectives, and sustain long-term success. Strategic management provides a structured framework for decision-making and resource allocation, enabling organizations to thrive in an ever-changing business landscape.


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