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History of C++!

C++ History

The history of C++ begins in the early 1980s when Bjarne Stroustrup, a Danish computer scientist, started working on what would eventually become C++. Here's a brief overview of the history of C++:


  1. Origins in C: C++ originated as an extension of the C programming language. Stroustrup, who was working at Bell Labs at the time, wanted to add features to C that would support object-oriented programming (OOP) while still retaining C's efficiency and flexibility.

  2. Early Development (1980s): Stroustrup began working on C++ in 1979 and released the first version, called "C with Classes," in 1983. This early version introduced classes, derived classes, inheritance, and other basic features of OOP.

  3. Standardization Efforts (1980s - 1990s): As interest in C++ grew, efforts were made to standardize the language to ensure its portability and interoperability across different systems and compilers. The first standardization effort resulted in the publication of the Annotated C++ Reference Manual in 1990.

  4. ISO Standardization (1998): The first official international standard for C++, known as C++98, was published by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) in 1998. This standard incorporated many new features and improvements, including templates, exceptions, and the Standard Template Library (STL).

  5. Subsequent Standards: Since C++98, several new versions of the C++ standard have been published, each introducing additional features and improvements. These include C++03, C++11, C++14, C++17, and C++20. The latest standard at the time of my last update in January 2022 was C++20, which brought significant enhancements to the language, including modules, concepts, and ranges.

  6. Adoption and Popularity: Over the years, C++ has become one of the most widely used programming languages, particularly in domains such as systems programming, game development, embedded systems, and high-performance computing. Its combination of performance, flexibility, and support for OOP has made it a popular choice for developing a wide range of applications.

  7. Community and Ecosystem: C++ has a large and active community of developers, educators, and enthusiasts who contribute to its ecosystem by developing libraries, frameworks, tools, and educational resources. The Standard Template Library (STL), Boost, and Qt are examples of widely used libraries and frameworks in the C++ ecosystem.


Overall, the history of C++ reflects its evolution from a simple extension of C to a powerful and versatile programming language with a rich set of features and a vibrant community.


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