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Brand Image vs Brand Identity!

Brand Image vs Brand Identity

Brand image and brand identity are related concepts in the field of marketing and branding, but they refer to different aspects of a brand. Understanding the distinction between these two terms is crucial for developing a comprehensive brand strategy. Here's a breakdown of brand image and brand identity:


  1. Brand Image:

    • Definition: Brand image refers to the overall perception or impression that consumers have about a brand. It is the sum of their thoughts, feelings, and associations related to the brand.
    • Nature: Brand image is subjective and is shaped by consumers' experiences, interactions, word-of-mouth, and the brand's overall reputation in the market.
    • Influence: Consumers play a significant role in shaping a brand's image through their opinions, reviews, and shared experiences. It is a reflection of how the brand is perceived in the eyes of its audience.
    • Dynamic: Brand image is dynamic and can change over time based on various factors such as product performance, marketing campaigns, customer service, and external influences.
  2. Brand Identity:

    • Definition: Brand identity is the collection of visual, verbal, and symbolic elements that a company uses to represent its brand to the world. It includes tangible and intangible elements that convey the brand's personality, values, and positioning.
    • Components: Brand identity encompasses elements such as logo, color palette, typography, taglines, brand voice, and other design and communication elements that contribute to a cohesive and recognizable brand image.
    • Controlled by the Company: Unlike brand image, which is influenced by consumers, brand identity is created and controlled by the company. It is a deliberate and strategic effort to communicate a specific message and create a distinct brand persona.
    • Consistency: Maintaining consistency across various brand identity elements is crucial for building brand recognition and establishing a strong and cohesive brand presence in the market.


In essence, brand identity is what a company creates to represent itself visually and verbally, while brand image is how consumers perceive and interpret that representation. The goal of brand management is to align these two concepts as closely as possible, ensuring that the intended brand identity is accurately perceived by the target audience, leading to a positive and strong brand image.

In summary, brand identity is the set of elements a company uses to express its brand, while brand image is the external perception and impression that consumers have based on their experiences and interactions with the brand. Both aspects are integral to a brand's success and require careful management and strategic alignment.


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