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What is the Madrid System for International Trademark Registration?

The Madrid System for International Trademark Registration

The Madrid System for the International Registration of Marks, commonly known as the Madrid System, is a centralized international trademark registration system administered by the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO). It provides a convenient and cost-effective way for trademark owners to protect their marks in multiple countries by filing a single international application.



Here's how the Madrid System works:


  1. Centralized Filing: Instead of filing separate trademark applications in each country where protection is sought, trademark owners can file a single international application through the Madrid System. This application is based on an existing national or regional trademark registration, known as the "basic application" or "basic registration."

  2. Designation of Member Countries: In the international application, the trademark owner can designate one or more member countries where they seek protection for their mark. The designated countries must be members of the Madrid Protocol or Madrid Agreement, which are two treaties that govern the Madrid System.

  3. Examination and Registration: The international application is examined by the trademark offices of each designated country according to their respective laws and procedures. If no objections are raised within a specified period (usually 12 or 18 months), the mark is granted protection in those countries.

  4. Centralized Management: After registration, the international registration is managed centrally by WIPO. Changes, such as renewals, changes in ownership, or amendments to the mark, can be made through a single procedure with WIPO.

  5. Cost Efficiency: The Madrid System can offer cost savings compared to filing individual trademark applications in multiple countries. Trademark owners pay a single set of fees for the international application and subsequent management, rather than separate fees for each country.

  6. Flexibility: The Madrid System provides flexibility for trademark owners to expand their international trademark portfolio over time by adding new countries to their existing international registration.


Overall, the Madrid System simplifies the process of obtaining and managing international trademark protection, making it an attractive option for businesses and trademark owners seeking to protect their marks globally.



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