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What is bash in terminal?

Bash in Terminal

"Bash" stands for "Bourne Again SHell," and it is a command processor that typically runs in a text window where the user types commands that cause actions. It is a popular shell on Unix-like operating systems, including Linux and macOS. Bash is an enhanced version of the original Bourne Shell (sh), which was one of the earliest Unix shells.


Here are some key features and aspects of Bash in the Terminal:


  1. Command-Line Interface (CLI):

    • Bash provides a command-line interface where users interact with the system by typing commands. It reads commands from the terminal and executes them.
  2. Scripting Language:

    • Bash is not just an interactive shell; it's also a scripting language. Users can write scripts (sequences of commands) to automate tasks and execute them as a single program.
  3. Syntax:

    • Bash commands and scripts use a specific syntax. Commands are generally entered in the form of command options arguments. It supports variables, conditionals, loops, functions, and other programming constructs.
  4. Environment Variables:

    • Bash uses environment variables to store information that can be used by the system or by processes launched from the shell. Users can set and modify environment variables as needed.
  5. Customization:

    • Users can customize their Bash environment by configuring settings in the .bashrc or .bash_profile files. This includes setting aliases, changing the prompt, and defining other preferences.
  6. Job Control:

    • Bash supports job control, allowing users to run multiple commands simultaneously, suspend them, bring them to the foreground or background, and manage processes.
  7. File and Directory Navigation:

    • Bash provides commands for navigating the file system, including cd for changing directories, ls for listing files, and cp, mv, and rm for copying, moving, and removing files.
  8. Pipelines and Redirection:

    • Bash allows the chaining of commands using pipelines (|) and redirecting input and output. This flexibility is powerful for manipulating data and connecting the output of one command to the input of another.
  9. Wildcard Expansion:

    • Bash supports wildcard characters such as * and ? for pattern matching when working with files. This allows for concise and powerful commands.
  10. Tab Completion:

    • Bash provides tab completion, which helps users complete command and file names by pressing the Tab key. This can improve efficiency and reduce typing errors.
  11. History:

    • Bash keeps a history of commands entered by the user. This history can be navigated and reused, and it persists between terminal sessions.
  12. Remote Access:

    • Bash is often used for remote access to Unix-based systems through SSH (Secure Shell), allowing users to execute commands on a remote machine.


Bash is a powerful and flexible tool that is widely used by system administrators, developers, and power users for managing and interacting with Unix-like systems. It provides a text-based interface that, when combined with its scripting capabilities, makes it a versatile and essential component of the Unix/Linux environment.


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