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Welcome to CBCE Skill INDIA. An ISO 9001:2015 Certified Autonomous Body | Best Quality Computer and Skills Training Provider Organization. Established Under Indian Trust Act 1882, Govt. of India. Identity No. - IV-190200628, and registered under NITI Aayog Govt. of India. Identity No. - WB/2023/0344555. Also registered under Ministry of Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises - MSME (Govt. of India). Registration Number - UDYAM-WB-06-0031863

What type of content is trending?

What type of Content is Trending
Here are some content types that were popular at that time:
  1. Short-Form Videos:

    • Short, engaging videos on platforms like TikTok, Instagram Reels, and Shorts on YouTube were gaining immense popularity. Quick, entertaining, and informative videos were in demand.
  2. Live Streaming and Webinars:

    • Live content, including webinars, live Q&A sessions, and interactive streaming on platforms like Twitch, YouTube Live, and Instagram Live, gained traction due to real-time engagement.
  3. Interactive Content:

    • Quizzes, polls, interactive stories, and gamified content on various platforms attracted user interaction and engagement.
  4. Podcasts and Audio Content:

    • Podcasts continued to rise in popularity, offering long-form discussions, interviews, and storytelling. Audio content became increasingly accessible on platforms like Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and Google Podcasts.
  5. User-Generated Content:

    • Reviews, testimonials, and user contributions on social media platforms or review sites added authenticity and trustworthiness to brands.
  6. Long-Form Content:

    • In-depth articles, guides, and whitepapers addressing complex topics gained traction as users sought comprehensive and authoritative information.
  7. Sustainable and Ethical Content:

    • Content focused on sustainability, ethical practices, and social responsibility as more audiences showed interest in brands’ values and impact.
  8. AR and VR Content:

    • Augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) content, offering immersive experiences, was increasingly used in marketing and entertainment.
  9. Content Personalization:

    • Tailoring content based on user preferences and behaviors for a more personalized experience gained importance, especially in email marketing and e-commerce.
  10. E-learning and Online Courses:

  • Educational content, online courses, and learning platforms gained popularity, particularly as more people sought knowledge and skills online.


Trends may have continued to evolve beyond this information. It's essential to stay updated with the latest industry trends, user behavior, and emerging technologies to adapt your content strategy effectively.


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