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What is Angular?


Angular is a popular open-source web application framework maintained by Google and a community of developers. It is used for building dynamic, single-page web applications (SPAs) and supports the development of both desktop and mobile web applications.

Angular provides a comprehensive platform for developing client-side applications using HTML, CSS, and TypeScript. Here are some key features and concepts of Angular:


  1. Component-Based Architecture: Angular applications are built using components, which are self-contained units that encapsulate HTML templates, CSS styles, and TypeScript code. Components help in organizing the application's UI into reusable and maintainable units.

  2. Templates: Angular uses HTML templates with additional syntax and features called Angular template syntax. Templates are used to define the UI of Angular components and allow for data binding, event handling, and structural directives.

  3. Data Binding: Angular supports two-way data binding, where changes to the model (data) are automatically reflected in the view (UI), and vice versa. This simplifies the synchronization of data between the component's logic and its template.

  4. Dependency Injection: Angular has a built-in dependency injection system that allows components and services to be loosely coupled and easily testable. Dependencies are provided to components and services through constructor injection.

  5. Directives: Angular provides built-in directives like ngFor, ngIf, and ngSwitch that allow developers to add dynamic behavior and manipulate the DOM within templates. Developers can also create custom directives to extend the functionality of Angular.

  6. Services: Services in Angular are singleton objects that are used to encapsulate reusable business logic, data retrieval, or communication with external resources. Services can be injected into components and other services using Angular's dependency injection system.

  7. Routing: Angular's router module provides a powerful mechanism for handling navigation within the application. Developers can define routes, specify route parameters, and implement lazy loading to improve the performance of large applications.

  8. HTTP Client: Angular includes a built-in HTTP client module for making AJAX requests to the server. It simplifies the process of fetching data from APIs and handling asynchronous operations in Angular applications.


Overall, Angular offers a robust framework for building modern, scalable web applications with rich user interfaces and complex functionality.


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