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How to be an Instructional Leader

How to be an Instructional Leader

There are times when leaders need to step in to set strict guidelines with their teams. Directive leadership helps the team members know what is expected of them. Here are steps you can take to become an instructional leader:


1. Take responsibility

  • When you notice that your team is unmotivated and needs help, step in and lead. Instructional leaders must have the confidence to take full responsibility for setting goals and providing actions for employees to follow through. Once people know what is expected of them, they will have a clear path to success.

2. Adhere to protocol

  • While other leadership styles encourage collaboration and creativity, directive styles do not. By design, it is effective because it is based on a written protocol that outlines a pattern of success Under directive leadership, employees follow proven strategies to perform their responsibilities. As long as you make sure your team adheres to those guidelines, their tasks should go according to plan and meet deadlines, which are your goals.

 3. Confirm Your Authority: 

  • To be successful, it is crucial to use your authority when supervising a team that demonstrates the need for directive leadership. It is important to establish your authority from the beginning. Any indecisiveness about direction and decision-making can undermine your employees confidence in your overall leadership ability. Show them that you are the head of the team by leading with confidence.

 4. Trust in your guidance: 

  • Perhaps you have noticed that tasks and projects do not get completed without your strict supervision. In this case, you must carefully guide your team and monitor their work along the way. Provide direction, supervise your team and ensure you check in frequently to verify overall progress. Instructional leaders understand that their team members need clear expectations and find value in their guidance.

 5. Quality Control: 

  • Directive leadership style is rooted in control, which when used properly stimulates productivity. Guide your team firmly and pay attention to how they respond to your requests to ensure you are leading them respectfully.

 6. Hugs established hierarchy

  • Instructional leaders find value in a strict hierarchy and do not deviate from it. Having a chain of command ensures that your team members know that you are the designated person to give orders and therefore should not question your authority. As a leader, your guidance may come from leaders in higher positions. This means that if your team fails to complete tasks on time, you are responsible for the consequences.

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