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Advantages And Disadvantages Of Interviews!

Advantages Of Interviews


Selecting ideal candidates for the post

  • One of the benefits of interviewing is that it can increase your success in selecting the right candidate for the position. When applying for a job, you can get a few basic details about candidates from their CVs and cover letters, but interviews can delve deeper into their credentials and personality. In an interview, the professional can share stories and elaborate on the information provided on their CV, which can help you better determine their skill set than relying solely on their CV. In addition, an interview provides an opportunity to determine how a professional responds to demanding situations such as an interview. Understanding how a person handles these events can help you figure out how they might act. The meetings can allow you to determine how little or how much training the candidate may need.

Conduct detailed evaluations

  • Interviews allow the interviewer and interviewee to visualize how they fit into each others lives and achieve their career goals. An interview where you are asking a candidate the right questions can show how knowledgeable the professional is about the industry. Similarly, the candidate can determine if this is the position for them based on how you, as the interviewer, describe the jobs responsibilities in-depth and the work culture. During an interview, you can ask a variety of questions about the candidates educational background, such as the degrees and certifications theyve earned and their soft and hard skills. For example, if youre interviewing a candidate whos changing careers, you might ask about their soft skills rather than their technical skills. Their soft skills are transferable abilities that they can apply to a variety of roles and industries, such as communication and teamwork.

Know the candidate and yourself well

  • Often, the primary goal of an interview is to get to know the candidate well. You can get an idea about the strengths and weaknesses of a professional. When you get to know their assets, it can help you determine how they best leverage their strengths at the company. The interviewee may also discuss areas they are working on improving. During an interview, you may get to know yourself better as a professional, such as your leadership and management style. Understanding these aspects of yourself can help improve you as a professional and enhance your interviewing skills, which may lead to more successful meetings.

Enhanced Customer Bond Experience

  • Talking to candidates can allow you to experience a better customer bond because youre talking to a consumer. Interviews can provide insight into consumer wants, needs, and attitudes about the company that you can use with stakeholders and other senior leadership professionals. Often, when companies are competing with competitors, salary and other employee retention data become valuable. You can also ask candidates about salary expectations and why they left their current company. Additionally, it can be helpful to ask what their previous company did to keep them and to make sure the company you work for can provide feedback. For example, if a candidate expresses that they are looking for a promotion with a reasonable salary, you can work with the company to make sure that they retain their talent.

Differences between similar candidates

  • An interview can allow you to distinguish similar candidates from one another based on their CV and cover letter. You can schedule interviews with each similar candidate to meet them and determine how their personalities might mesh with other companies professionals. This can help you learn about the unique skills or talents that a person may have that they leave behind in their application materials.

Disadvantages Of Interviews


Candidate information is being verified

  • During an interview, a professional can share several basic topics, such as what they did for their last company. For example, a person may share that they increased their current companys sales by 10% in the last year, but it may be difficult to fact-check their statement. To avoid this, you can ask a professional for a few references. From there, you can call the people listed as their references to add validity to their claims before hiring them.

Creating stereotypes

  • Stereotyping can create several challenges during an interview. A stereotype is a common perception about a group of people. To avoid casting stereotypes on a candidate in an interview, ask fair and relevant questions about their skills, credentials, and other situational questions to get to know them as professionals. It is also important to ask each candidate the same questions to ensure fairness.

Experience uncertain outcomes

  • Interviews provide helpful insight into how a professional may perform in the workplace, but this is not always true. A candidate may answer a question in one way but react differently in other real-life situations. Theres no way to fully validate how a candidate answers a question and align it with their actions, which means sometimes it can be wrong.

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