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Syntax for defining PHP Interface!

Syntax for Defining PHP Interface

In PHP, an interface is a collection of method signatures that a class must implement. You define an interface using the interface keyword. Here's the basic syntax for defining a PHP interface:

interface MyInterface {
    // Method signatures
    public function methodName1();
    public function methodName2($parameter);
    // ... add more method signatures as needed

Here's a breakdown of the syntax:

  • interface: This keyword is used to declare an interface.

  • MyInterface: This is the name of the interface. You can choose any valid identifier as the interface name.

  • methodName1(), methodName2($parameter): These are method signatures within the interface. They don't contain any implementation; they simply declare the methods that classes implementing this interface must provide.

  • public: This is the access modifier for the methods within the interface. In this example, all methods are declared as public, but you can use other access modifiers like protected or private if needed.


Once you've defined an interface, a class can implement it using the implements keyword. Here's an example:

class MyClass implements MyInterface {
    public function methodName1() {
        // Implementation for methodName1

    public function methodName2($parameter) {
        // Implementation for methodName2

    // ... add more methods as needed


In this example, MyClass implements the MyInterface interface, which means it must provide implementations for all the methods declared in the interface. If it fails to do so, a fatal error will occur.


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