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Difference Between Website And Webpage!

Difference Between Website And Webpage

A website and a webpage are related concepts in the realm of the World Wide Web, but they refer to different things:



  1. Definition:

    • Single Document: A webpage is a single document or a single page of content on the internet. It is a collection of text, images, multimedia elements, and hyperlinks.
  2. Content:

    • Unit of Information: A webpage is a single unit of information that is often focused on a specific topic or purpose. It's what you see and interact with when you visit a specific URL.
  3. Address:

    • URL: Each webpage has a unique address known as a URL (Uniform Resource Locator) that allows users to access it directly.
  4. Examples:

    • Home Page, About Us Page: Examples of webpages include the home page of a website, an about us page, a product page, etc.



  1. Definition:

    • Collection of Webpages: A website is a collection of related webpages that are typically interconnected. It is a broader term that encompasses multiple pages and content.
  2. Structure:

    • Hierarchical Structure: A website has a hierarchical structure, with a homepage often serving as the main entry point, and other pages organized into sections and sub-sections.
  3. Navigation:

    • Navigation System: Websites have a navigation system that allows users to move between different webpages within the site. This is usually facilitated through menus, links, and other navigation elements.
  4. Address:

    • Domain Name: A website is identified by a domain name (e.g., www.example.com). The domain name is associated with a specific IP address and is used to access the entire collection of webpages.
  5. Examples:

    • www.example.com: Examples of websites include www.example.com, which may have pages like www.example.com/home, www.example.com/about, and so on.



  • A website is a broader entity that consists of multiple interconnected webpages.

  • A webpage is a single document or page within a website.

  • Users access a website through its main domain, and from there, they can navigate to different webpages within the site.


In summary, a webpage is a single document on the internet, while a website is a collection of related webpages that share a common domain and are typically organized hierarchically.


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