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What are the stages of SIM swapping?

Stages of SIM Swapping

SIM swapping is a type of social engineering attack in which an attacker convinces a mobile carrier to switch the target's phone number to a new SIM card under the attacker's control. This can be a precursor to various types of fraud, including unauthorized access to the victim's online accounts.

The stages of SIM swapping typically involve the following steps:


  1. Information Gathering:

    • The attacker gathers information about the target, such as their full name, phone number, and potentially other personal details. This information can often be found online or obtained through various means like phishing attacks or data breaches.
  2. Pretexting:

    • The attacker contacts the victim's mobile carrier, posing as the victim or using stolen personal information, and claims to have lost their SIM card or phone. They may use various tactics to sound convincing, such as impersonating the victim or pretending to be a legitimate customer.
  3. Contacting the Mobile Carrier:

    • The attacker calls or interacts with the mobile carrier's customer support to request a SIM card replacement or a SIM swap. They may need to provide some information to verify the victim's identity, which they have already collected.
  4. Social Engineering:

    • The attacker may use social engineering techniques to manipulate the carrier's customer support representative. This could involve providing fake information, pretending to be in a hurry, or using other tactics to convince the carrier to perform the SIM swap without thorough verification.
  5. SIM Card Replacement:

    • Once the attacker successfully convinces the mobile carrier to perform the SIM swap, they receive a new SIM card with the victim's phone number. The victim's legitimate SIM card is deactivated in the process.
  6. Unauthorized Access:

    • With control of the victim's phone number, the attacker can receive SMS messages and calls meant for the victim. They may use this access to reset passwords, gain access to email or social media accounts, or conduct other fraudulent activities, often leading to financial or personal information theft.
  7. Exploitation:

    • The attacker can use the compromised accounts to steal money, impersonate the victim, or engage in other malicious activities, depending on their goals.


It's important to note that SIM swapping is illegal and unethical. To protect yourself from SIM swapping attacks, be cautious about sharing personal information, enable two-factor authentication methods that don't rely solely on SMS (like app-based 2FA or hardware tokens), and regularly monitor your financial and online accounts for any suspicious activities. Additionally, always be skeptical of unsolicited requests for personal information, even if they seem to come from trusted sources like your mobile carrier.


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