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How does an ATS Handle Job Postings and Candidate Applications?

ATS Handle Job Postings and Candidate Applications

An Applicant Tracking System (ATS) handles job postings and candidate applications through a streamlined process that typically involves the following steps:


  1. Job Posting Creation: Recruiters or hiring managers create job postings within the ATS. They specify details such as job title, description, requirements, location, and other relevant information. Some ATS platforms offer templates or predefined job descriptions to expedite the posting creation process.
  2. Job Distribution: Once the job posting is created, the ATS enables recruiters to distribute it across various channels, such as company career pages, job boards, social media platforms, and professional networks. Recruiters can select specific channels or websites where they want the job posting to appear, or they can use the ATS's integrations to automatically post to multiple channels simultaneously.

  3. Candidate Application Submission: Interested candidates discover the job posting through the designated channels and submit their applications directly through the ATS. Depending on the configuration, candidates may be required to fill out an application form, upload a resume and cover letter, or answer screening questions as part of the application process.

  4. Resume Parsing and Candidate Screening: Upon receiving applications, the ATS automatically parses resumes and extracts relevant information, such as work experience, education, and skills. It then screens candidates based on predefined criteria, such as qualifications, experience, and keywords. Recruiters can review candidate profiles within the ATS interface, along with relevant application materials and screening results.

  5. Candidate Communication: The ATS facilitates communication between recruiters and candidates throughout the application process. Recruiters can send automated acknowledgment emails, status updates, interview invitations, and other communications directly from the ATS. They can also track all communication history within candidate profiles for reference.

  6. Candidate Evaluation and Selection: Recruiters use the ATS to track and manage candidate evaluations, feedback, and interview outcomes. They can collaborate with hiring managers and team members within the ATS to make informed decisions about candidate selection. Some ATS platforms offer evaluation tools, scorecards, and interview scheduling features to streamline the selection process.

  7. Offer Management and Onboarding: Once a candidate is selected, the ATS may facilitate the offer management process, including generating offer letters, managing negotiations, and tracking offer acceptance. Some ATS platforms integrate with onboarding systems to seamlessly transition selected candidates into employees.


By managing job postings and candidate applications within a unified system, an ATS helps recruiters streamline the recruitment process, improve collaboration, and make data-driven decisions to attract, evaluate, and hire top talent effectively.


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