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Start a Session in PHP!

Start a Session in PHP

In PHP, you start a session by using the session_start() function. This function must be called at the beginning of your script before any output is sent to the browser. Here's a simple example:


// Start the session

// Now you can set or retrieve session variables
$_SESSION['user_id'] = 123;
$_SESSION['username'] = 'john_doe';

// Rest of your PHP code

In this example:

  1. The session_start() function initiates or resumes a session. It should be called before accessing or modifying any session variables.

  2. After starting the session, you can use the $_SESSION superglobal to store and retrieve session data. The data stored in $_SESSION will be available across different pages for the same user during the session.


Remember to call session_start() on every page where you want to access or modify session variables. Typically, this includes every page that is part of your application and needs to maintain user state.



Here's a basic example of starting a session and displaying session data on another page:



Page 1 (start_session.php):


echo "User ID: " . $_SESSION['user_id'] . "<br>";
echo "Username: " . $_SESSION['username'];


Page 2 (display_session.php):


echo "User ID: " . $_SESSION['user_id'] . "<br>";
echo "Username: " . $_SESSION['username'];


In this example, after starting the session on start_session.php, the session data is accessible on display_session.php without the need to reinitialize the session.



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