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What is the difference between confluence pages and spaces?

Difference between Confluence Pages and Spaces


In Confluence, pages and spaces are fundamental elements used for organizing and structuring content.


Confluence Spaces:

  1. Definition: A space in Confluence is like a container or a folder where you organize related content. Spaces provide a high-level way to categorize and manage content within Confluence.

  2. Use: Spaces are typically used to represent departments, teams, projects, or any other logical grouping of content. For example, you might have a "Marketing" space, a "Product Development" space, or a "Project A" space.

  3. Hierarchy: Spaces can have their own hierarchies, meaning you can create sub-pages within a space. These sub-pages help to further organize content.

  4. Permissions: You can set space-level permissions, controlling who has access to the entire space. This is useful for managing access to a group of related content.

  5. Space Logo and Description: Each space can have its logo, a brief description, and other customizable elements.

  6. Templates: You can apply space-level templates to standardize the way content is structured and presented within the space.

  7. Space Sidebar: Spaces have a sidebar that can display links to key pages, provide navigation, and include customizable content.

  8. Labels and Categories: You can apply labels and categories to content within a space to help with organization and search.


Confluence Pages:

  1. Definition: A Confluence page is a single document or piece of content that can contain text, images, links, embedded media, attachments, and more.

  2. Use: Pages are used to create and present content. They can represent a variety of things, such as documents, articles, meeting notes, project plans, documentation, and more.

  3. Hierarchy: Pages can be organized within spaces using a parent-child hierarchy. A page can have child pages, and these child pages can have their own child pages, creating a structured hierarchy of content.

  4. Permissions: Page-level permissions can be set to control who can view, edit, or comment on a specific page.

  5. Templates: Pages can be created using templates to maintain consistency in content formatting and structure.

  6. Version Control: Pages support version control, allowing you to track changes, compare versions, and revert to previous versions if needed.

  7. Labels: You can apply labels to pages to categorize them or make them easier to find through search and filtering.


In summary, spaces in Confluence are used for high-level organization and categorization of content. They contain pages and other content and have their own structure, permissions, and templates. Pages, on the other hand, are individual pieces of content where you create and present information. They can be organized within spaces and have their own permissions and templates. Understanding the distinction between spaces and pages is crucial for effectively structuring and organizing content in Confluence.


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