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What is the Difference Between AngularJS and Angular?

Difference Between AngularJS and Angular

AngularJS and Angular are both JavaScript-based frameworks for building web applications, but they have significant differences in terms of architecture, features, and development approach:


  1. Architecture:

    • AngularJS: AngularJS, also known as Angular 1.x, follows the MVC (Model-View-Controller) architecture pattern. In AngularJS, controllers are responsible for managing the application's data and logic, and templates (HTML with additional AngularJS directives) are used to define the UI.
    • Angular: Angular (also referred to as Angular 2+ or just Angular) introduces a component-based architecture. Components are self-contained units that encapsulate HTML templates, CSS styles, and TypeScript code. Angular uses a hierarchical component tree to manage the application structure.
  2. Language:

    • AngularJS: AngularJS primarily uses JavaScript (ES5) for application development.
    • Angular: Angular uses TypeScript, a superset of JavaScript, which provides additional features like static typing, interfaces, decorators, and other modern language features. TypeScript enhances code readability, maintainability, and helps catch errors at compile-time.
  3. Performance:

    • AngularJS: AngularJS suffers from performance issues, especially with large and complex applications, due to its digest cycle mechanism and two-way data binding.
    • Angular: Angular improves performance by introducing several optimizations, such as a more efficient change detection mechanism (using zone.js), ahead-of-time (AOT) compilation, lazy loading, and a modular architecture. Angular's one-way data flow and reactive programming with observables also contribute to better performance.
  4. Tooling:

    • AngularJS: AngularJS doesn't have a dedicated CLI (Command Line Interface) for scaffolding and managing projects. Developers typically rely on third-party tools for project setup and configuration.
    • Angular: Angular comes with Angular CLI, a powerful command-line tool that provides developers with a streamlined workflow for creating, building, testing, and deploying Angular applications. The CLI simplifies tasks such as project initialization, generating components, services, modules, and running tests.
  5. Mobile Development:

    • AngularJS: AngularJS lacks native support for mobile development. While it's possible to build mobile apps using AngularJS with frameworks like Ionic or Cordova, it's not the primary focus.
    • Angular: Angular has better support for building progressive web apps (PWAs) and native mobile applications using frameworks like Ionic, NativeScript, or Angular Mobile Toolkit. Angular's modularity and performance optimizations make it well-suited for mobile development.
  6. Long-term Support:

    • AngularJS: AngularJS reached its end of life in June 2021. Google stopped providing official support and updates for AngularJS, including security patches and bug fixes.
    • Angular: Angular, being the successor of AngularJS, receives regular updates, long-term support, and backward compatibility guarantees from Google. This ensures that Angular applications stay up-to-date with the latest web standards and security patches.


In summary, while AngularJS and Angular share some similarities as JavaScript-based frameworks for web development, Angular introduces significant architectural changes, performance improvements, language enhancements, and better tooling compared to AngularJS.



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