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What is a Binary Search Tree and How does it Work?

Binary Search Tree and How does it Work

A binary search tree (BST) is a binary tree data structure in which each node has at most two children: a left child and a right child. In a BST, the value of each node is greater than all values in its left subtree and less than all values in its right subtree. This property enables efficient searching, insertion, and deletion operations.


Here's how a binary search tree works:

  1. Binary Tree Structure: As a binary tree, each node in a BST has at most two children: a left child and a right child. Nodes are organized in a hierarchical manner, with the root node at the top and subsequent nodes branching out.

  2. Binary Search Property: The key property of a binary search tree is that for any node:

    • All values in the left subtree are less than the value of the node.
    • All values in the right subtree are greater than the value of the node. This property holds true for every node in the tree, making it easier to locate specific values within the tree efficiently.
  3. Search Operation: To search for a value in a binary search tree:

    • Start at the root node.
    • Compare the target value with the value of the current node.
    • If the target value is equal to the current node's value, the search is successful.
    • If the target value is less than the current node's value, move to the left child and repeat the process.
    • If the target value is greater than the current node's value, move to the right child and repeat the process.
    • Continue this process until either the target value is found or a leaf node is reached (indicating that the value is not present in the tree).
  4. Insertion Operation: To insert a new value into a binary search tree:

    • Start at the root node and perform a search for the appropriate position to insert the new value.
    • Once the appropriate position is found (i.e., a leaf node), insert the new value as a child node of the leaf node, maintaining the binary search property.
  5. Deletion Operation: To delete a value from a binary search tree:

    • Perform a search to locate the node containing the value to be deleted.
    • If the node has no children (leaf node), simply remove the node from the tree.
    • If the node has one child, replace the node with its child.
    • If the node has two children, find the node's in-order successor or predecessor (either the maximum value in its left subtree or the minimum value in its right subtree), replace the node's value with the successor/predecessor value, and recursively delete the successor/predecessor node.


Binary search trees provide efficient average-case performance for searching, insertion, and deletion operations, with time complexity of O(log n) for balanced trees. However, the performance can degrade to O(n) in the worst case if the tree becomes unbalanced. To maintain efficient performance, various self-balancing techniques such as AVL trees and red-black trees are used to ensure that the tree remains balanced during operations.


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