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Top 6 Communication Skills for Success in Your Life and Career!

Top 6 Communication Skills

Here are the top communication skills employers and recruiters want to see in your resume and cover letter, interviews and career development:


 Active Listening: 

  • Active listening, sometimes called appreciative listening or mindful listening, means paying close attention to who you are communicating with by engaging, asking questions, and repeating. Practicing active listening can build respect with your colleagues and increase understanding in the workplace. As you actively listen, focus on the speaker and avoid distractions such as cell phones and laptops.


  • Friendliness traits such as honesty and kindness can help improve trust and understanding when communicating in the workplace. Try to communicate with a positive attitude, keep an open mind and ask questions so you understand where they are coming from. Small gestures like asking someone how they are doing, smiling when talking, or praising them for a job well done can help you build productive relationships with coworkers and managers.

 Self Confidence: 

  • At work, people are more likely to respond to ideas that are presented with confidence. There are many ways to be confident, including making eye contact when you are addressing someone, sitting up straight with your shoulders open, and preparing ahead of time so you are clear in your thinking and able to answer any questions. Confident communication is useful not only on the job but also during the job interview process. Additionally, avoid adding filler words to show confidence.


  • Having empathy means that you can not only understand but also share the emotions of others. These communication skills are important in both team and one-on-one settings. In both cases, you try to effectively read and translate other peoples emotions and select an appropriate response. For example, if someone is expressing anger or frustration, empathy can help you acknowledge and diffuse their emotions. At the same time, being able to sense when someone is feeling positive and enthusiastic can help you get support for your ideas and projects.


  • A key aspect of respect is when to initiate and respond to communication. In a team or group setting, allowing others to speak without interruption is viewed as a necessary communication skill tied to respect. Communicating respectfully means using your time with someone else wisely—staying on topic, asking clear questions, and answering fully any questions they ask you.


  • Whether you are returning a phone call or replying to an email, employers often see quick communicators as more effective than those who are slow to respond. One approach is to consider how long your response takes. Is it a request or question you can answer in the next five minutes? If so, it might be a good idea to address it as you see it. If its a more complex request or question, you can still acknowledge that you received the message and let the other person know that you are going to give a full response later.

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