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How Does Sensitivity Analysis Work?

How Does Sensitivity Analysis Work

Sensitivity analysis works by systematically varying key variables or assumptions in a model or decision-making process to observe the impact on the outcomes. It helps identify how sensitive the results are to changes in specific factors, providing insights into the robustness and reliability of the model. Here's a step-by-step overview of how sensitivity analysis works:


  1. Identify Key Variables:

    • The first step is to identify the key variables or assumptions in the model that have the most significant impact on the outcomes. These are typically the variables that are uncertain, subject to change, or have a substantial influence on the results.
  2. Define Ranges for Variables:

    • For each key variable, define a range of values that represents plausible variations. This range could be based on historical data, expert opinions, industry benchmarks, or other relevant sources. The objective is to explore the potential impact of different scenarios.
  3. Establish a Baseline Scenario:

    • Before conducting sensitivity analysis, establish a baseline scenario with the original values of all key variables. This serves as a reference point against which changes in outcomes can be measured.
  4. Vary One Variable at a Time:

    • Systematically vary one key variable at a time while keeping all other variables constant at their baseline values. This involves assessing how changes in that specific variable impact the outputs or outcomes of the model.
  5. Observe Changes in Output:

    • Observe and document how changes in the key variable influence the output of the model. This could involve changes in financial metrics, project timelines, profitability, or any other relevant performance indicators.
  6. Quantify Sensitivity:

    • Quantify the sensitivity of the model by calculating the percentage change in output for a given percentage change in the variable. This helps in understanding the magnitude of the impact and the relationship between the variable and the outcomes.
  7. Repeat for Other Variables:

    • Repeat the process for each key variable, systematically varying them one at a time. This provides a comprehensive understanding of how different factors contribute to the overall sensitivity of the model.
  8. Scenario Analysis:

    • In addition to varying individual variables, conduct scenario analysis by exploring combinations of variable values. This helps assess the joint impact of changes in multiple variables on the outcomes.
  9. Interpret Results:

    • Interpret the results of the sensitivity analysis to identify which variables have the most significant influence on the model's outcomes. Pay attention to variables that, when changed, lead to substantial variations in results.
  10. Inform Decision-Making:

    • Use the insights gained from sensitivity analysis to inform decision-making. Decision-makers can consider the range of possible outcomes under different scenarios, prioritize risk management efforts, and make more informed and robust decisions.


Sensitivity analysis is a dynamic and iterative process that can be applied to various contexts, including financial modeling, investment analysis, project management, and strategic decision-making. By understanding how the model responds to changes in key variables, organizations can enhance their risk management strategies and make more informed and resilient decisions.


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