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Advantages and Disadvantages of X-rays!

Advantages and Disadvantages of X-rays


X-rays were discovered in 1895 by the German physicist Wilhelm Konrad Roentgen. It was actually an accidental discovery. He was experimenting with cathode rays when he noticed X-rays passing through matter. In time, he discovered that these rays could also pass through human tissues, showing images of internal bodies. At that time the only option to diagnose the problem was to cut off the body part. Thanks to the invention of X-rays, we finally found a way to see inside the body without making an incision. It is one of the most remarkable inventions of all time. Today, with X-ray technology, we can diagnose all types of cancer, broken bones and other problems. We have already covered different types of X-rays. In this discussion, lets take an in-depth look at its pros and cons.


Advantages of X-rays


The most obvious benefit of using X-rays is to see inside the body without the need for surgery. At the time of its discovery, doctors used it to detect bullet and bone fractures inside the body. Below are some other benefits of using X-rays.


Cost Effective:

  • We have been using x-rays for a long time, so we have made it affordable. Since we can study the bodys bone structure and muscles with radiographic images, it has allowed us to save on the cost of surgical procedures. In addition, we can easily detect health problems at an early stage, thus significantly reducing the cost of treatment. Additionally, X-rays may be performed in hospitals as well as facilities dedicated to outpatient services. In other words, these tests are readily available and affordable.

Simple Trick:

  • The X-ray technique is quite simple and fast. Because of this, it is used in emergencies. It helps the medical professionals to know the cause of the problem. In emergency situations, patients may not be able to tell about their medical conditions, so an X-ray is a good option to start their treatment. In this procedure, the target area of the body is exposed to capture the radiographic image. Some precautions are required, which are informed by the doctor in the beginning.

Diagnose the tumor:

  • X-ray procedures are usually painless, which makes them an ideal option for tumor diagnosis. Tumors are nothing but an abnormal mass of tissue that can sometimes turn into cancer. And from there the problem begins. X-rays help identify whats going on inside the body and determine if its cancerous. This increases the chances of successful treatment. The disease can be relatively well controlled if caught at an early stage. In the process reducing patient suffering and avoiding the financial burden of expensive treatments.

Low radiation:

  • Depending on the type of X-rays, the radiation exposure varies. Overall, X-rays expose you to less radiation than other sources of radiation. And when you weigh the benefits of X-rays, less radiation seems acceptable. X-rays provide information that saves the lives of patients. Ideally, it is believed that exposure to low levels of radiation poses no immediate health risk.

Detects Foreign Objects:

  • In addition to tumors and cancers, X-rays can detect foreign bodies in the body. In medical terms, foreign bodies are those that are found in the body but do not belong there. These substances may enter the body voluntarily or involuntarily and may come from the external environment. Some events that can introduce foreign objects are surgical procedures or ingestion. It can also enter the body through accidental injury. These foreign bodies can cause serious damage if left in the body, so it is very important to detect them using X-rays and get rid of them as soon as possible.

Disadvantages of X-rays


X-ray technology certainly offers a lot of benefits, but it also comes with negative aspects Here are some of the disadvantages of using X-rays.


Absorbed Radiation:

  • In x-ray procedures, radiation is absorbed by body parts to varying degrees. Dense bone absorbs more radiation, so it appears white on radiographic images. Whereas, soft tissue absorbs less radiation and appears gray. The black area you see in the picture is nothing but air. Bone calcium absorbs more radiation and in the worst case scenario fractures and growth arrest.
  • Bone has high radiation absorption because it contains elements that have a high atomic number. while soft tissues are less absorbent and allow the radiation to pass through them. Another disadvantage of high absorption of radiation by bone is that it can obscure diagnostic data. This can defeat the purpose of the X-ray, blocking information that could be useful in treatment planning.

Affects tissue:

  • In small doses, X-rays can be used to diagnose medical conditions. But if the dose frequency increases over time, it can damage living tissue. High exposure to radiation leads to vomiting and bleeding. Indeed, radiation penetrates living tissue and destroys cells. This results in skin and hair damage and frequent fainting. For this reason, precautions such as protecting vulnerable body parts are taken to limit radiation exposure during testing.

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