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What should you say at the end of the interview?

What should you say at the end of the Interview

At the end of a job interview, it's essential to leave a positive and lasting impression. Here's what you should consider saying or doing:


  1. Express Your Gratitude:

    • Thank the interviewer(s) for their time and the opportunity to interview for the position. Showing appreciation is a professional way to conclude the meeting.
  2. Reiterate Your Interest:

    • Reaffirm your interest in the position and the company. Briefly mention what excites you about the opportunity and how your skills align with the needs of the role.
  3. Ask About the Next Steps:

    • Inquire about the next steps in the hiring process. This shows that you are eager to move forward and are proactive about staying informed.

    • Example: "Thank you for the opportunity to interview. I'm very interested in this position and the chance to contribute to [Company]. Could you please share the next steps in the hiring process?"

  4. Clarify Any Outstanding Points:

    • If there are any points you feel were not fully addressed during the interview, or if you have additional information to provide, take this opportunity to do so.

    • Example: "I wanted to mention that I recently completed a relevant certification, and I believe it further strengthens my qualifications for this role."

  5. Express Your Fit for the Role:

    • Reiterate how your skills and experiences make you an excellent fit for the position. This is your last chance to leave a strong impression about why you are the right candidate.

    • Example: "I am confident that my background in [specific skills/experience] makes me well-suited for this role, and I am excited about the opportunity to contribute to the success of [Company]."

  6. Ask for Contact Information:

    • If you don't already have the interviewer's contact information, politely request it for follow-up purposes. This allows you to send a thank-you email or message promptly.

    • Example: "Thank you again for your time. Could I have your email address to send a follow-up thank-you message?"

  7. Reaffirm Your Enthusiasm:

    • Express enthusiasm once again as you conclude. A positive and confident tone can leave a lasting impression.

    • Example: "I'm very enthusiastic about the possibility of joining your team, and I look forward to the opportunity to contribute to [Company]."

  8. Offer a Handshake (If In-Person):

    • In a face-to-face interview, offer a firm and professional handshake as you thank the interviewer(s) and say goodbye. A confident handshake can leave a positive impression.
  9. Exit the Room Gracefully (If In-Person):

    • If you are in a physical location, stand up, thank the interviewer(s) once again, and exit the room gracefully. Maintaining professionalism until the very end is crucial.



Remember to tailor your closing remarks based on the specific dynamics of the interview and the company culture. The goal is to leave a positive impression and convey your continued interest in the position.



Thank you.

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