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How to be a Directive Leader!

How to be a Directive Leader

Becoming a directive leader involves adopting a leadership style that emphasizes clear guidance, firm decision-making, and close supervision. Here are some tips on how to be a directive leader:


  1. Clearly Communicate Expectations:

    • Clearly articulate expectations and performance standards. Ensure that team members understand what is expected of them.
  2. Provide Explicit Instructions:

    • Give detailed and explicit instructions on tasks and assignments. Be specific about how you want things to be done.
  3. Set Clear Goals:

    • Establish clear and achievable goals for the team. Clearly communicate the objectives and the steps required to achieve them.
  4. Make Decisions Authoritatively:

    • Take charge of decision-making. As a directive leader, you're expected to make decisions confidently and authoritatively. Seek input when necessary, but be decisive.
  5. Monitor Progress Closely:

    • Keep a close eye on the progress of tasks and projects. Regularly check in with team members to ensure that they are on track and meeting deadlines.
  6. Provide Immediate Feedback:

    • Offer feedback promptly, highlighting what was done well and where improvements are needed. Correct any deviations from the established guidelines promptly.
  7. Maintain a Structured Environment:

    • Create a structured work environment where roles and responsibilities are clearly defined. This helps minimize confusion and ensures that everyone knows their place in the team.
  8. Be Authoritative, Not Autocratic:

    • While being directive, aim to be authoritative rather than autocratic. Encourage open communication and feedback, but maintain a clear leadership role.
  9. Demonstrate Confidence:

    • Project confidence in your decisions and actions. Team members are more likely to follow a leader who exudes assurance and competence.
  10. Handle Conflict Decisively:

    • If conflicts arise within the team, address them promptly and decisively. Provide resolution and ensure that everyone understands the expectations moving forward.
  11. Be Visible and Accessible:

    • Make yourself visible and accessible to the team. While being directive, it's important to foster a sense of leadership presence.
  12. Adapt to the Situation:

    • Recognize that directive leadership may not be suitable for every situation. Be flexible and adapt your leadership style based on the needs of the team and the nature of the tasks at hand.



Remember that while directive leadership can be effective in certain situations, it's crucial to consider the context and the individuals involved. Being overly directive in situations that require creativity and collaboration may hinder team morale and innovation. Flexibility and the ability to adjust your leadership style are key to effective leadership.


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