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PHP Error Reporting!

PHP Error Reporting

PHP error reporting is a mechanism that allows you to control how PHP handles errors during the execution of a script. You can configure the error reporting settings using the error_reporting directive in the php.ini file, the ini_set function, or by using a combination of both.


Here are the main aspects of PHP error reporting:


  1. Error Reporting Levels:

    • PHP defines various error reporting levels, which are constants that can be combined using the bitwise OR (|) operator.
    • Common error reporting levels include:
      • E_ALL: Report all errors.
      • E_ERROR: Report only fatal errors.
      • E_WARNING: Report runtime warnings.
      • E_NOTICE: Report runtime notices.
      • E_STRICT: Report coding standards warnings.


    // Report all errors
    // Report all errors except notices
    error_reporting(E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE);
  2. Displaying Errors:

    • The display_errors directive controls whether errors are displayed to the user or not.
    • It is recommended to set display_errors to Off in a production environment to prevent sensitive information from being exposed.


    ini_set('display_errors', 0); // Turn off error display
  3. Error Logging:

    • The log_errors directive controls whether errors are logged to the server's error log or not.
    • The error_log directive specifies the file where error logs should be written.


    ini_set('log_errors', 1);
    ini_set('error_log', '/path/to/error.log');
  4. Error Handling Functions:

    • PHP provides several functions for handling errors, such as trigger_error for generating user-level errors and set_error_handler for setting a custom error handler function.


    // Trigger a user-level error
    trigger_error('This is a user-level error', E_USER_ERROR);
    // Custom error handler function
    function customErrorHandler($errno, $errstr, $errfile, $errline) {
        // Handle the error


By adjusting these settings and using appropriate error handling functions, you can control how PHP reports and handles errors in your application. The specific configuration will depend on the development and production environments, as well as the desired level of error detail to be exposed to users.


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