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JavaScript and ECMAScript

JavaScript and ECMAScript

JavaScript and ECMAScript are terms often used interchangeably, but they refer to slightly different things.


  • JavaScript: JavaScript is a high-level, interpreted programming language primarily used for building dynamic and interactive web applications. It was initially developed by Netscape and later standardized under the name ECMAScript.

  • ECMAScript: ECMAScript is the standardized specification for scripting languages like JavaScript. It defines the core features and syntax that a scripting language must implement to be called ECMAScript-compliant. JavaScript is the most popular implementation of the ECMAScript standard.


Relationship between JavaScript and ECMAScript:


  • Versions: JavaScript implementations, like those in browsers or Node.js, adhere to specific versions of the ECMAScript standard. For example, ECMAScript 5 (ES5), ECMAScript 6 (ES6, also known as ES2015), ECMAScript 2016 (ES7), and so on.

  • Evolution: As new versions of the ECMAScript standard are released, JavaScript engines (such as V8 in Chrome or SpiderMonkey in Firefox) implement these features, allowing developers to use new syntax and functionalities in their code.

  • Compatibility: JavaScript code written in compliance with a particular ECMAScript version might not be fully supported in older browsers or environments that do not yet implement those features. This can necessitate using transpilers or polyfills to ensure broader compatibility.


In summary, JavaScript is the most widely used implementation of the ECMAScript standard. The standardization provided by ECMAScript ensures consistency and interoperability among different implementations of the language, enabling developers to write code that works across various platforms and environments.


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