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Definition of a Data Warehouse!

Definition of a Data Warehouse

A data warehouse is a large, centralized repository of integrated data from various sources within an organization. It is designed for the purpose of supporting business intelligence (BI) activities, data analysis, and reporting. The main objective of a data warehouse is to provide a comprehensive and historical view of an organization's data to facilitate informed decision-making.


Key characteristics and components of a data warehouse include:


  1. Integration:

    • Data warehouses integrate data from different operational sources within an organization. These sources may include transactional databases, spreadsheets, and other data repositories.
  2. Subject Orientation:

    • Data in a warehouse is organized by subject or business area rather than by the application that generated the data. This allows for a more cohesive and comprehensive view of information related to specific business aspects.
  3. Time-Variant Data:

    • A data warehouse maintains historical data, allowing users to analyze trends and changes over time. This time-variant feature is crucial for historical reporting and trend analysis.
  4. Non-Volatile:

    • Data warehouses are non-volatile, meaning that once data is loaded into the warehouse, it is typically not altered or updated. Instead, changes and updates are tracked separately, preserving a historical record.
  5. Query and Reporting Tools:

    • Data warehouses are equipped with query and reporting tools that enable users to extract, analyze, and present data in a meaningful way. These tools often support complex queries and aggregations.
  6. Data Cleansing and Transformation:

    • Before being loaded into the data warehouse, data undergoes a process of cleaning and transformation to ensure consistency and quality. This process, often referred to as Extract, Transform, Load (ETL), prepares the data for analysis.
  7. Dimensional Modeling:

    • Dimensional modeling is a common technique used in data warehousing. It involves organizing data into facts (numeric measures) and dimensions (descriptive attributes) to support efficient and effective querying.
  8. Scalability:

    • Data warehouses are designed to handle large volumes of data efficiently. They are scalable to accommodate the growing data needs of an organization.
  9. Data Mart:

    • In some cases, organizations implement smaller, subject-specific data marts that are subsets of the larger data warehouse. Data marts are designed to serve the needs of specific departments or business units.
  10. Metadata Management:

    • Metadata, or data about the data, is crucial in a data warehouse environment. It provides information about the origin, meaning, relationships, and usage of the data, aiding in understanding and managing the data.



Data warehouses play a pivotal role in business intelligence and decision support by providing a unified and consistent view of an organization's data. This centralized repository supports analytical processes, trend analysis, and reporting, empowering organizations to make well-informed decisions based on a comprehensive understanding of their data.


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