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What is the method of black box testing?

Method of Black Box Testing

Black-box testing is a software testing method that focuses on assessing the functionality of an application without examining its internal code, structure, or logic. The testing approach is primarily based on the specifications and requirements of the software.


Here are the Steps involved in Black-Box Testing:


  1. Understanding Requirements: Testers analyze the software requirements and specifications. They study the functional and non-functional requirements to comprehend how the system should behave under different circumstances.

  2. Test Case Design: Testers create test cases based on the identified requirements. Test cases are designed to check the software's functionality against these requirements without considering the internal code structure.

  3. Input Data Selection: Testers select appropriate input data to test the software. Inputs are chosen based on various scenarios and requirements, including normal operations, edge cases, and potential error conditions.

  4. Test Execution: The prepared test cases are executed using the chosen input data. The software is tested by providing the inputs and comparing the actual outputs against expected outputs as per the requirements.

  5. Result Analysis: Testers analyze the results obtained from the test cases. They compare the actual outputs with the expected outcomes and identify any discrepancies or deviations from the expected behavior.

  6. Defect Reporting: Any inconsistencies or issues found during testing are documented as defects or bugs. These are then reported to the development team for resolution.

  7. Regression Testing: After the identified issues are fixed by the development team, the black-box tests may be re-run to ensure that the changes did not adversely affect other parts of the system.



Black-box testing is focused on evaluating the software's external functionalities and features from an end-user's perspective. Testers do not require knowledge of the internal code, making it suitable for non-technical or independent testing teams to perform these tests. This method ensures that the software meets its specified requirements and functions correctly, irrespective of the internal workings of the system.


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