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How to create ADT in C?

Create ADT in C

Creating an Abstract Data Type (ADT) in C involves defining a set of data and operations that operate on that data while encapsulating the implementation details. This allows you to create a clean and modular interface for working with data structures.


Here are the general Steps to Create an ADT in C:


  1. Define the Header File:

    • Create a header file (.h) where you define the ADT's structure and operations. This header file serves as the interface to your ADT.
  2. Declare the Data Structure:

    • Define a struct to represent the internal structure of the ADT. This struct contains the data that the ADT will operate on.
  3. Define Function Signatures:

    • Declare function signatures that represent the operations provided by the ADT. These functions should take pointers to the ADT structure as parameters to operate on the ADT's data.
  4. Implement the ADT:

    • Create a C source file (.c) to implement the functions declared in the header file. This is where you provide the actual logic for the ADT's operations.
  5. Create the Initialization Function:

    • Write a function that initializes the ADT by allocating memory for the struct and any initial setup needed.
  6. Implement the Operations:

    • For each operation defined in the header file, implement the corresponding function in the source file. These functions should take a pointer to the ADT structure and perform the desired operations on the internal data.
  7. Memory Management:

    • Make sure to handle memory management, including memory allocation and deallocation, within your ADT operations. For example, you should allocate memory for the ADT struct in the initialization function and release it in a cleanup or destruction function.
  8. Include the Header File:

    • In your application code, include the ADT's header file, so you can use the functions and data structures defined in the ADT.
  9. Compile and Link:

    • Compile both the source file containing the ADT implementation and your application code. Link them together to create the executable.

Here's a simplified example of creating an ADT for a stack in C:

// stack.h (Header file)
#ifndef STACK_H
#define STACK_H

// Define the stack structure
typedef struct {
    int data[100]; // Assuming a fixed-size array for simplicity
    int top;       // Top index of the stack
} Stack;

// Function prototypes
Stack* createStack();
void push(Stack* stack, int value);
int pop(Stack* stack);
int isEmpty(Stack* stack);
void destroyStack(Stack* stack);


// stack.c (Source file)
#include "stack.h"
#include <stdlib.h>

Stack* createStack() {
    Stack* stack = (Stack*)malloc(sizeof(Stack));
    stack->top = -1;
    return stack;

void push(Stack* stack, int value) {
    stack->data[++stack->top] = value;

int pop(Stack* stack) {
    return stack->data[stack->top--];

int isEmpty(Stack* stack) {
    return stack->top == -1;

void destroyStack(Stack* stack) {

// main.c (Application code)
#include <stdio.h>
#include "stack.h"

int main() {
    Stack* stack = createStack();
    push(stack, 42);
    push(stack, 123);
    printf("Popped: %d\n", pop(stack));
    printf("Is empty? %s\n", isEmpty(stack) ? "Yes" : "No");
    return 0;


This is a basic example, but it demonstrates the key steps in creating an ADT in C. You define the data structure, operations, and memory management while encapsulating the implementation details within the ADT's source file.


Thank you.

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