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Few Definitions of Patriarchy!

Few Definitions of Patriarchy

Here are a Few Definitions of Patriarchy from different perspectives:

  1. Sociological Definition: Patriarchy is a social system in which power and authority are predominantly held by men, and women are systematically marginalized and subordinated. It encompasses a set of social structures, institutions, and practices that privilege men over women in various spheres of life, including politics, economics, culture, and family dynamics.

  2. Feminist Definition: From a feminist perspective, patriarchy refers to a system of male dominance and privilege that perpetuates gender inequality and oppression. It encompasses not only institutionalized forms of discrimination and violence against women but also the ways in which patriarchal norms and values shape individuals' beliefs, behaviors, and social interactions.

  3. Historical Definition: Historically, patriarchy has been characterized by the inheritance of property and power through male lineage, with men holding primary authority over family and kinship structures. It has manifested in various forms throughout history, ranging from legal and political systems that privilege men to cultural norms that reinforce traditional gender roles and hierarchies.

  4. Intersectional Definition: An intersectional perspective recognizes that patriarchy intersects with other systems of oppression, such as racism, classism, ableism, and homophobia, creating unique experiences of marginalization for individuals who belong to multiple marginalized groups. It emphasizes the interconnected nature of power dynamics and the need to address multiple forms of oppression simultaneously.

  5. Psychological Definition: Psychologically, patriarchy can influence individuals' beliefs, attitudes, and behaviors regarding gender roles and relationships. It may contribute to the internalization of gender stereotypes, the suppression of emotions and vulnerabilities in men, and the internalization of inferiority or submissiveness in women, shaping individuals' self-concepts and interpersonal dynamics.


These definitions illustrate the multifaceted nature of patriarchy, encompassing social, political, historical, feminist, intersectional, and psychological dimensions. They highlight the complex ways in which patriarchal systems operate and impact individuals and societies, as well as the ongoing efforts to challenge and dismantle gender-based inequalities and oppression.


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