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Top 5 Best Programming Languages to Learn!

Programming Language


A programming language is a way for programmers (developers) to interact with computers. Programming languages consist of a set of rules that allow string values to be converted into various forms of machine code generation or, in the case of visual programming languages, into graphical elements. Generally speaking, a program is a set of instructions written in a specific language (C, C++, Java, Python) to perform a specific task. Learn more about top trending and in-demand programming languages and take a step towards upskilling today!


The Main Types of Programming Languages


1. Procedural Programming Languages

  • A programming paradigm that uses methods or functions to organize code into concise and reusable blocks A procedural programming language. C, Pascal and FORTRAN are the most in-demand programming languages supporting this paradigm.
  • In this programming, the program is divided into functions or procedures. They are primarily intermediate subprograms that perform a specific task. These methods can be called from other program parts for flexible programming and code reuse. Priority is the systematic execution of a program. Further, it emphasizes the series of instructions and affects the data stored in variables.
  • They are the best programming languages to learn as they are widely used in fields like engineering, gaming and finance. Procedural programming may be less flexible, though that does not prevent it from being one of the most prominent programming paradigms taught in high-ranking computer science courses.

2. Object Oriented Programming Language

  • In an object-oriented programming language, objects define data and object behavior. These objects typically include data properties representing the objects state and methods. This language enables users to create a complex system with interconnected objects.
  • This language hides implementation components from the outside world through encapsulation. This makes it possible to build large complex systems without stressing about the inner workings of the objects involved. Another advantage that puts this language in such demand is the inheritance feature. This creates a ranking of classes that share common characteristics while still allowing for customization.
  • Some popular object-oriented programming languages are Java, Python, C++, and Ruby. All these languages are top-level programming languages, but they share the principle of being object-oriented.

3. Logic Programming Language

  • As the name implies, it is computer programming based on formal logic. This programming language program consists of a cluster of logical statements or rules that define relationships between objects. This allows the system to extrapolate new information.
  • Artificial intelligence and expert systems typically use this language where reasoning and inference are required. This language allows for a concise and expressive program that is more logical and easier to maintain than programs that return to other paradigms.
  • To summarize, logical programming is a safe and flexible approach to solving problems in computer programming. It is suitable for all types of problems. It is also a valuable tool for some applications. One of the most popular logical languages is Prolog, which consists of a set of facts and rules for describing a problem and reasons about it.

4. Imperative Programming 

  • In imperative programming, the programmer provides a set of instructions that the computer follows to manipulate the state of the program and the information structure within it. This paradigm describes the steps that a computer needs to take to solve a program rather than defining the mathematical function. C, C++, Java, and Python are some of the imperative programming languages,
  • The Imperative is the most popular programming language in software development for system programming and low-level programming tasks, which includes direct level control over hardware resources.

5. Functional Programming Language

  • Unlike procedural languages, functional programming languages are more flexible. It consists of a series of functions. This programming paradigm emphasizes the use of model computation and data transformation. Languages supporting this paradigm are Haskell, Clojure, Lisp and Scala.
  • Functional programming makes it easier to reason with programs and increases their reliability. Functions only operate on their input arguments. They are less popular, but they have experienced a huge boom from an educational perspective. They are assigned to variables, passed as arguments to other functions, and return results from other functions.
  • Functional programming is efficient concurrent programming. They have no changeable status. You can program functions and operate as instructions in parallel. These codes support nested functions and consist of independent units that run in parallel. Therefore, it is more effective.

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