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What are the symptoms of cataracts?

Symptoms of Cataracts

Cataracts often develop slowly and may not cause noticeable symptoms in the early stages. However, as the condition progresses, the following symptoms may become apparent:


  1. Blurred or Cloudy Vision: The most common symptom of cataracts is a gradual blurring of vision. It may feel like you are looking through a cloudy or foggy lens.

  2. Decreased Night Vision: Cataracts can cause difficulty seeing clearly in low-light conditions, making night driving more challenging.

  3. Sensitivity to Glare: Individuals with cataracts may become more sensitive to bright lights, including sunlight and headlights. Glare from lamps or sunlight may appear more intense and bothersome.

  4. Halos Around Lights: Cataracts can cause the perception of halos or rings around lights, making them appear larger or more blurred.

  5. Fading or Yellowing of Colors: Colors may appear less vibrant or yellowed as the cataract progresses. This can affect the ability to distinguish between certain colors.

  6. Double Vision in One Eye: Cataracts can cause double vision or multiple images in one eye. This symptom may improve by closing one eye.

  7. Frequent Changes in Glasses Prescription: Cataracts can lead to changes in the refractive error of the eye, necessitating more frequent changes in eyeglass prescriptions.

  8. Difficulty Reading or Performing Detailed Tasks: As the lens becomes cloudier, activities that require clear, detailed vision, such as reading or sewing, may become more challenging.


It's important to note that the symptoms of cataracts can vary among individuals, and the progression of symptoms may be gradual. If you experience any changes in your vision, it's essential to consult with an eye care professional for a comprehensive eye examination. Keep in mind that cataracts are a common and treatable condition, usually through surgery to remove the cloudy lens and replace it with an artificial lens. Early detection and appropriate management can help maintain good vision and quality of life.


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