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5 Key Advantages and Disadvantages of Television(TV)

Advantages of Television(TV)



  • Anyone who can basically sit at home and look at TV, news, movies, family shows, sports, music and other valuable programs and channels should be visible on TV, it takes an important role in teaching people about contempt and they can do it. Develop their insights into the social and political world.


  • Children can appreciate TV by watching childrens programming stations, like certain stations. For example, Discovery Channel to acquire information, TV can be a wonderful teacher for children. There are different stations in different dialects, This way, you can watch your favorite station or show in your regional language. Television is a source of entertainment that is reasonable, Today, motion pictures, drama, satire and music are largely accessible at home, in leisure time, watching TV is great to refresh your mind by watching your favorite program as it is a decent and successful method of promoting items or data.

Various Information:

  • TV readily admits to us a wide range of data, for example, cooking channels that offer new plans and techniques, home improvement shows that introduce us to numerous cash savings, and financial guides that offer guidance on overseeing accounts and keeping cash away.

Information Medium to Large People: 

  • TV is the best medium for delivering information to a large number of people quickly, news from one part of the planet should be visible in another part of the planet within minutes or even seconds.

Disclosure to The World:

  • TV can autonomously educate and enlighten government authorities in many regions of the planet, people can increasingly learn about the world sitting in front of TV, it keeps us fresh, we can observe live news like live shows or live games effectively with the help of TV.


Disadvantages of Television(TV)


Visuals Unsuitable for Children:

  • Children can be presented in programming that is not suitable for their age, the themes of adult sexuality and brutality are achieved in an unreasonable and effective way and they destroy the integrity of young people, some companies use TV for sexual TV movies and projects that cause many social problems.

Damage to Childrens Education:

  • Youngsters in some cases watch disturbing motion pictures which affect their psychological situation, they sit exceptionally close to TV which is not great for childrens eyesight, minors sit in front of TV and do not pay attention to their studies which affects their training.

Effect on Health:

  • Observing a lot of TVs can add to stoutness, Excessive TV watching can add to rest challenges, conduct issues, lower grades and other medical problems, Television might be habit-forming, up to 12% per cent of TV-watchers have a miserable outlook on how much TV they watch, see themselves as addicts, yet feel unequipped for halting themselves.

Distance from Society:

  • TV makes us introverted, replacing family and companions, watchers can go through hours simply flipping channels attempting to observe something advantageous, Most projects offer a slanted or one-sided perspective on occasions, They are excessively short and excessively hindered by ads to dig profoundly into a point, Many unscripted TV dramas portray unfortunate characters doing senseless, futile things.

Electricity Bill Increase:

  • TV is a simple and modest source of entertainment, by watching global news, we stay up-to-date with breaking news from around the planet, yet more use of TV can stretch the power charge, sponsors regularly focus on children, children watch about 40,000 broadcasts per year only. on TV, including a variety of junk food and alcohol advertisements.

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