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Advantages and Disadvantages of Examination!

Tests are recognized as a source of selection of students ability. It is a common method of testing knowledge and intelligence, which is being practiced in almost all school. It is a matter of concern for both talented and weak students. Whether one likes it or not, they have to take the test every year as there is no other system recommended by the experts yet. Here are some reasons for and against testing.

Advantages of Examination


Knowledge Enhancement:

  • Examination not only tests a student but also improves their knowledge. Students need to learn everything and understand every concept so that people can clear the exam. Sometimes people come across technical terms which are not embellished in books. This indicates that people have to search online to get their answers and in this process the students knowledge of the subject increases. Without exams, students will not study anything at home, and they will spend time playing games, which means that these people are more likely to fail in practical life.

Students find Themselves in a Competitive Environment:

  • Much like a game, exams also create competition among students. Exams are a stress and pressure that every student needs in their life. Millions of students around the world take exams every year, and most of them work hard and struggle to get good grades because they want to prove that they are the best. This competition encourages the students to work harder and acts as a motivation for them. The most significant part is that students learn to handle the competition they will undoubtedly face later in life.

Benefits to improve memory:

  • Exams not only improve knowledge but also improve memory. When scholars learn what they read over the years, it represents a more effective long-term memory. When a student first starts repeating a definition, it may take a significant amount of time before the person learns it, but by practicing it repeatedly, students improve their learning skills and can store more knowledge in their brains in a short period of time.


  • Scoring well on exams offers some real advantages. If a students overall score is more than 90%, the person has a high chance of getting a scholarship in any university he/she wants to apply to. Some international universities can be quite expensive, and not everyone can afford them. Receiving a scholarship means that the person can attend the most prestigious universities in the world and they dont have to pay at all.

Practical exams make a student confident:

  • Practical tests strengthen confidence and give a real picture of the individual. Learning and reading technical lines from books may make a person feel that they are equipped to face lifes challenges but practicing it in real life shows how much more work they have to do. A science experiment will help a person find a solution to a problem that may lead the person to failure. For example, an English test will teach a person how to speak, walk and talk in an assembly.

Disadvantages of Examination


Comparison between students:

  • A student who scores a D on their math test is expected to be compared to students who score an A. Every childs learning ability is different. A significant problem posed by testing is the comparison between children/students, which ignores that all individuals are different from one another. Some students learn new concepts efficiently, while others are more proficient in sports.

Exams bring with them anxiety and tension:

  • As the exam season approaches, it brings with it stress and anxiety. The pressure of scoring well in exams and the anxiety of failing exams can make life very challenging for students. Some stress may be needed to motivate students to study, but extreme stress can lead to high blood pressure and other serious health problems.

Unequal Justice:

  • A test examines how the student performed on an individual day. It is not a genuine source of grading a students knowledge and intelligence. If a student scores well throughout the year but fails to do well on exam day for some reason, does that mean that the student lacks performance or the student lacks knowledge that day? One has to think about answering it themselves and then understand how fairly the students are judged based on the piece of paper.

Reduced effectiveness:

  • To score well, students usually focus more on rote rehearsal and ignore concepts. They get good grades, but the price is loss of knowledge because, after a few days, most students forget what they have learned and school/college efforts fail. This method reduces the practical ability of students. The grades these students get in exams do not guarantee success in practical life.

Test depression can create:

  • Stress and anxiety are not the only inconveniences caused by exams. During exams, children may be afraid of getting bad grades, which spoils their happiness. A depressed child is more likely to become depressed, and this can be very detrimental to their health. Depression caused by the test can have a very negative effect on the childs being.

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